Simon is a name of Greek and Hebrew origin meaning "to hear, to be heard" and "reputation." Simon clarifies the word "reputation" as the presence of the individuality standing strong in uprightness for the good, the true and the beautiful in life. He brings the gesture of living in pure love while standing with strength from the I-Being, revealing the Source of the I AM deep in the inner sanctum of the heart of the human being. His presence is a flowing into the heart space, streaming up through the core of the chest region in a straight line to the forehead, virtually a sunbeam of uprightness as a reminder to hear and to speak from the depths and breadths of one's true intentions. A cross forms across the eyes with the crossing point at the 3rd eye or 2 petalled lotus, an invitation to connect from heart to head the subtle cues arising from the heart's guidance in daily affairs. This is a call to move away from the intellectual constructs of the current age that are now falling away, and open to the awakening heart of pure love and connection. The heart is the guide. See the cross of the Stone Circle of Callanish below, a circle constructed 5000 years ago, long before Christ incarnated. The circle around the crossing point shows the way to Source, to the Divine Spark within. This points to opening the doors and windows to unveil the latent power and magic of the open human heart. Join Simon on a journey of loving exploration of the awakening heart and experience the joy and wonder of a world alive and vibrant as the "I" emerges, and subtle perception unfolds.