Sazapi, pronounced Sah-ZAH-pee, is an original name meaning "individuality streaming pure love in creative flow, " and he brings the gesture of presence in the moment of flowing, loving creativity, supporting and strengthening the individuality's true intentions. His presence streams into the heart with pure love. The receptive heart recognizes this and returns this love, creating a mutual radiating exchange. This fans out with loving strength into the feet and up into the head to the 6th chakra of the forehead. There is a distinct upright sensation through the torso, bringing strength to your inner core. This co-creative vertical connection assists in opening subtle perception with Gaia and with starry realms. There is flowing into the arms, creating a horizontal energetic connection in addition to the vertical. Sazapi's sparkling, streaming presence prompts your own inner strength and creativity to emerge and flow into your world. Invite Sazapi on a co-creative adventure, whether in art, in nature, at home or at work, and let this loving exchange in Sidhe-human alliance begin to sparkle in your world.