Musallo, pronounced Moo-SAHL-Lo, is an original name created through the creative flow of the sounds of the vowels and consonants, reflecting an aspect of his anwa, his spirit in motion in the world. Musallo is a peacemaker. He brings the gesture of pure love expressed through the gentleness of peace of heart. His presence is a soft flowing into the heart ever so tenderly. The receptive heart receives this serenity and there is potential for profound peace to flow through the entire body, enfolding one with peace of heart, peace of mind and body. Sidhe and Human reunited in co-creativity brings the possibility to waft and weave this flowing tranquility into Gaia, into Celestial realms and into the periphery to fill our world with peace and calm. This peace has the potential to open the heart door to the universe within, allowing the true intentions from the Source of Being to flow freely and lovingly. Invite Musallo on a journey of tranquility and peace, bringing the softness and purity of peaceful love into all of life.