Husalo, pronounced hoo-SAH-lo, is an original name created through the creative flow of the vowels and consonants to reflect an aspect of his anwa, his spirit in motion in the world. His gesture is to bring peaceful love in through the breath to harmonize the respiratory and circulatory systems in gentle, abiding peace, opening the heart door to pure love. Husalo breathes the breath of love into your inner being. His presence is a flowing cloud of peace wafting around the astral body, the egg-shaped region around the heart and head. As you take in a deep breath in collaboration with him, you feel the air as a wave of soft, flowing tenderness. With ongoing co-creation with him, the air we breathe is revealed to be pure love, the life-giving elixir. Exhalations become long and luxurious, releasing tension and anxiety, promoting rest. The breath and heartbeat are harmonized in a synchronized song, also calming the nervous system. In this peaceful blossoming of love, the door to the etheric heart begins to open, guiding you into Source and to connection with subtle realms. Invite Husalo on a journey of peace and connection of heart bringing harmony and wonder into all aspects of life.