Huego, pronounced HU-go, is a name of German origin meaning "heart" and "spirit." His gesture is to open the heart to purest love and bring uprightness with strength through the core of your being. Huego's presence is a warm swirling in the heart space which soothes and stimulates a pleasant warmth through the chest region, a soft whirling of tenderness. As you co-create together, feel the warmth of his purity swirl gradually to the core of being, opening the heart door to Source, to the spark of infinity within which guides your true intentions. Huego streams from the heart through the center of the body, down through the torso and up to the top of the head, holding one in a strong upright position. A vertical white light of the sword of individuality is felt through the core, with activation of the "I" Being. There emerges the sense of having the fortitude, vigor and gumption to accomplish all the spirit longs for. The potential for connection to Mother Earth and to your family in the stars is gradually actualized. Invite Huego on an adventure of becoming, accessing the inner sanctum of the heart to unfold the radiance of your eternal individuality in all of life. Experience the joy and wonder of the Peace of the Sidhe.