Haldoran, pronounced HAHL-dore-un, is a name created through the sounds of the vowels and consonants to express an aspect of his anwa, his Spirit in Motion in the world. He brings the gesture of pure love flowing in the heart, enfolding the bodily sheaths in purity and gentleness. This connects the individuality to the Source of Being, with the true intentions of the heart emerging, expressed with loving confidence into the world. Haldoran's presence is a bright, soft streaming into the heart that spreads like a glowing sun through the body and into the outer sheaths. His gentle, loving presence evokes a tender response from the receptive heart, a pure love which opens the heart door to the Soul or I-Being. The true and beautiful longings and intentions pour forth, gracing Mother Earth and her realms with love and creativity. Invite Haldoran on a journey of collaboration in tenderness and pure love, bringing to birth the inner longings of your heart, co-creating together as two heart suns in service to Gaia.