Eristo, pronounced ay-REE-sto, is a name created using the sounds of the vowels and consonants to best reflect an aspect of his anwa, his Spirit in motion in the world. He brings the gesture of supporting a strong uprightness of individuality or I-Being, opening the heart door at Source to pour pure love from the heart in all of life's endeavors. Eristo's presence is a flowing into the heart center with pure love that has an uplifting quality of strength. As this unconditional love meets a receptive heart, the strength goes deeply to the core, flooding the soul with peace. There is a feeling of wanting to stand up straight and follow the inner longings of the heart, to bring to birth one's true intentions for this life. Invite Eristo on a journey of connection to the heart of Self, bringing an abundance of inner strength, creativity, joy and wonder into the world.