Caleb is a Hebrew name meaning whole hearted or devoted. His gesture streams into the chest with sun-like warmth and life, entering the heart and filling it to overflowing with a shining sun of love. His pure love spreads throughout your being, raying its warm light into the outer sheaths, bringing feelings of quiet joy, deep peace and contentment. Caleb’s presence is deeply calming, creating stillness and spaciousness as interior chambers open and expand, and outer concerns and thoughts disappear into an ever dimming background. One’s being feels cleansed and purified, restored, revitalized and opened to ever more subtle experiences of new realms and beings. Caleb brings healing in a direct and holistic way, through an expanding, love filled heart space, gently loosening blockages and dissolving resistances in the safety and support of warm, unconditional love. New growth is encouraged, abilities blossom and unfold, divine intentions are revealed, as the tree of your being is given the nourishing love and light it has long awaited. Invite Caleb to co-create pure love with you to share with others and the Earth as a healing balm for all beings, restoring life, connection and unity in love to all of her realms.