Anréi, pronounced ahn-RAY, is an original name created through the creative forces of the sounds of the vowels and consonants which best express an aspect of his anwa, his spirit in motion in the world. He brings the gesture of strength and purity of heart, assisting in opening all the doors and windows of the etheric heart to the Source of Individuality, of I-Being. The true intentions of the Individuality pour forth and are expressed. Conscious collaboration with allies and guides have the potential to unfold. Anréi's presence is a warm glowing in the heart space which expands and rays outward until there is the sense of a soft, shining sun in the heart. By connecting with this warmth, the sun rays of his Being expand with the recipient to grace the receiver and all around with purity and strength of heart. The Ah or AWE in his name describes well his expansive presence and the sense of strength and uprightness to live from the truth of the core of one's Being. Invite Anréi on a co-creative journey of the heart, discovering the awe, wonder and joy of living your true intentions in all of daily life.