Abodi is an original name selected using the vowels and consonants to create a name representing an aspect of his anwa, his spirit in motion in the world. Abodi's gesture invites opening the windows and doors of the heart to pure love and connection. His presence is a warm glow in the chest region, sunlit purity shines in your heart as loving tenderness streams outward. This pure love touches the heart, and your own heart is drawn to meet this gentleness with love flowing in return. This is the beginning of Sidhe-Human co-creation, wafting and weaving love that grows and blossoms into a radiating sunny glow. Although this pure love is flowing outward, Abodi also flows inward, gradually opening the heart door to the universe within, to the Source of being, the I-being. Your own pure love pours forth, increasingly igniting the true intentions of your heart. The mind becomes quiet. Images and feeling thoughts emerge in new heart-empathic thinking, a communication that is preferable to the Sidhe. As the heart door opens, so do the subtle realms, and gifts of connection to the realms of Gaia and to starry allies unfold. Invite Abodi on a journey of opening to pure love, collaborating with subtle realms to heal and support this beautiful Earth.