Tellus ~ A Guide to Gaian Realms
Tellus, pronounced TEHL-lus, is a name of Latin origin meaning "Earth." Tellus is the name of a citizen of ancient Athens in Greece who was thought to be "the happiest of men." Tellus is a Gaian priest and Heart Healer of the Sidhe bringing the gesture of opening the heart to pure love. He also offers frequencies through the 3rd eye and to the senses of sight and hearing to unveil the realms of the Fairy World to establish connection, harmony and cooperative service. Tellus' presence is warm and joyful as he streams into the heart space with tender, pure love. The receptive person responds to this tender levity that lightly dances on the heart, returning the uplifting flowing gentleness. A lovely Sidhe-Human co-creation ensues. Tellus glides from heart to the forehead, sending energies into the 3rd eye. One can sense into the connection between the heart and beam of love which flows from heart to forehead. This is "heart thinking." This is the way the Sidhe communicate, through "feeling thoughts." This is not through the nervous system of thinking-feeling-willing, with astral sensations of pain, pleasure and desire. There is no desire in the presence of the Sidhe, only the flowing of pure, unconditional love. To reach this purity, one enters into the Blessed Stillness of deep inner quietude. In the silence, one basks in the Nothingness where Everything Exists. There is a surrendering into the nothingness. In the quietude, the etheric heart deep within begins to awaken and expand into the Universe Within. As one meets Tellus in the heart space, he shines energies and frequencies to invigorate subtle sensing in seeing and hearing and through the 3rd eye. These senses have long been dormant in the era of separation for humanity. As one learns to rest in the stillness, the window of inner vision is revealed at the forehead. Subtle senses unfold. The Fairy World awaits our unfolding. The Fairies are Gaia's children, on their own journeys of gradually developing their individualities. When humanity recognizes the presence of the Fairies in the flowers, the trees, the shrubs and grasses and the gnomes within the Earth, a new respect and cooperation emerges. A whole new level of care for and protection of the land manifests, honoring and supporting all of Gaia's realms with tender love. Invite Tellus on a joyful journey to bring these healing frequencies to your heart and open into a new relationship with the Earth in all her beauty and with the multitude of evolving beings therein.