Stillman ~ Of the blessed Stillness
Stillman is a name chosen by this Sidhe to best express his Anwa, his Spirit in Motion in the world. Anwa is beyond a calling. It is dynamic. Anwa is one's calling as one engages with the world. Through all of his incarnations, Stillman's anwa has focused on inner stillness and silence at the threshold of existence. He is of the Alchemist lineage of the Sidhe. He brings to humanity the gesture of the healing balm of inner stillness. Stillman knows that inner peace is one of the most beneficial modalities for the human being. The restorative potential of stillness ranges from deep peace and quietude for the bodily and spiritual sheaths, especially for the nervous system as one rests in silence, all the way to allowing complete surrender of the consciousness of the personality at the threshold of existence for the unfolding of the eternal individuality at Source of Being. Stillman's presence is a warm streaming into the heart space, smooth and soft as still waters. He weaves through the body and outer sheaths, enfolding one with profound, indescribable tenderness and peace. One's entire being melts into warm, blessed darkness of the womb of silence. Even in this womb, one can sense the creative potential all around. In the dark, blessed stillness one is able to float with Stillman in blissful, rejuvenating rest. With ongoing co-creation with him, the heart door opens to one's Spark of Divinity, to the eternal individuality at Source of Being. In complete surrender of the consciousness of one's astral nature in thinking-feeling-willing, windows open to the Universe Within at one's core of being. This inner Universe is a microcosm of the macrocosm all around us in the outer world. Thoughts move from head to the awakened heart. In the etheric heart space, the true, cosmic intentions and longings of one's eternal nature emerge and become clear. These intentions stream from the open heart to the 3rd eye, illuminated with inner vision. The potential for conscious connections with Gaian realms and celestial allies unfolds. In time, one learns to walk through life with peaceful countenance, spreading serenity to all on one's path. Invite Stillman on a healing journey of discovery of Self and experience the sublime Peace of the Sidhe. Enter into the limitless co-creative possibilities of two streams of human evolution uniting in pure love. Offer this healing elixir of inner stillness and peace to all you encounter in life. This will change the world.