Solea ~ Chakra Healer Through Colors of the Rainbow
Solea, pronounced so-LAY-ah, meaning "sun," brings a gesture of light-filled joyful creativity that comes through the pure love of the heart, flowing in a cascade of colors into your world. Solea is of the Alchemist lineage. She is a healer and her name is a symbol of health and creativity within all the colors of the rainbow. Her presence is a joyful burst of sunlight into your soul, flowing upward from heart to head, enlivening all the senses. Solea speaks, "I am a rainbow of light, color and creativity. So are you. When there is a rainbow in the sky, what do you see and sense? What do you feel? Rainbows generally evoke deep feelings of wonder and the joy of beauty in your heart. Rainbows are fleeting and unreachable, and because of this you tend to stop and are present to the moment that you see them. You experience them and often watch them until they fade. Why do they touch your heart? Because they are an image of You. The next time you see a rainbow, know that what you are seeing is a gift of a momentary reflection of Yourself, of your eternal individuality. Each person is a rainbow unto themselves through the chakra system. You are in the process of becoming a beautiful rainbow with all the creative nuances of every combination of the various hues and energies that each color offers. Every person manifests their own individual tapestry of color, and the frequencies of pure love associated with them. I come to assist you in knowing this, in feeling the pure love in each color, and to experience the abundance of creative potential that will unfold. First, we heal and harmonize all the chakras. As your chakras are healed and aligned through your center, through the core of your being, your I AM presence emerges." Solea offers the healing energies of pure love through the color of each lotus flower from the 1st to the 7th chakra, working in concert with the benevolent beings of the Dragons, the Unicorns, and the planetary systems associated with a particular chakra. The healing salve of pure love of the appropriate color streams into the chakra, permeating the bodily and spiritual sheaths. The chakras are healed, harmonized and balanced with one another. One is able to increasingly walk through the world as a resplendent, illuminated rainbow being of love. Solea and the Shining Ones also invite energies of the Blue Ray streaming in the forces of the Archangel Michael. They call on the healing energies of the Green Ray of the Archangel Raphael, and the purifying energies of the White Ray of the Archangel Gabriel. Invite Solea as an ally for deep healing or any creative endeavor. Solea's presence has the potential to gradually open one's senses for spiritual perception to one's own highest intentions and to the myriad of benevolent beings in the many realms of Gaia.