Excelsior ~ Becoming a Star
Excelsior is a name of Latin origin meaning "higher," "more elevated," and "expansive." He is a Healer from the Heart lineage of the Shining Ones. Excelsior is a Star Priest who brings the energies of opening and expansion into your subtle nature to facilitate your evolution as an unfolding starseed of Earth. Excelsior comes to you streaming from the Cosmos into the heart space and then immediately glides up into the head. He flows out into the subtle sheaths around your head and upward through the upper chakras. You sense a glowing fan of forces glimmering above your head. You feel yourself expanding and he encourages you to allow this proliferation, growing into the fullness of your aura which extends far beyond the body. His flow rises straight up through the crown chakra towards the stars. Excelsior speaks, "I am a starseed incarnated on the Earth. You are this also. Your time has come to surrender to and embrace the fullness of your true being, if you are willing to accept this. What is a starseed? This term is often bantered about but it is highly significant and immensely sacred. One bows at the potential of the starseed. Each of us is a fractal of Source of Being, of the infinite that is now incarnated on this remarkable planet. We are here for a purpose. We are to develop the true longings of our hearts, our joys, and our abilities in the fullness of pure love and cooperation with all realms, and express it as an individuality within the community of Gaia. This is what we the Shining Ones call Anwa. It is our calling of the Spirit manifesting and continually flowing into the world. We have always told you that you are bright, shining stars. This is a truth. You are a starseed. What does a seed do? The seed contains its genetics, all the potential and etheric forces of the universe that it needs to unfold. The seed is planted in the Earth and begins the process of imbibition. As it is tucked in the earth, it takes up water, and at the right temperature, begins to germinate and grows roots. The plant begins its Shoot Development and rises towards the sun. You have taken up all the elements of our Earth within your being. You have lifted your being into an erect position and have become the connector of the Stars and the Earth. Your soul and spirit live in this wondrous vessel imagined into existence by the Creators. All the chakras or "portals" of your being are opening to receive the star forces of the Cosmos and the energies of Gaia to expand into a star. The starseed is germinating. I access the starry "stuff" of the universe to awaken not only the subtle sheaths around your head but also to bring the energies into the periphery around you. You will then assimilate the celestial forces you need in your metamorphoses from starseed into an eventual star. Does this sound grandiose? Look up in the sky. You see the billions of stars who developed from starseeds. You see the Creators. We are all creators, generating our reality every day. What will you create? What will you bring to the Universal All? Whatever you bring, let it be imbued with purest love and peace. Let it stream out of the Blessed Stillness from the most sacred place within you. Let tenderness be the ground of your offering. In taking up the elements of the Earth, you are becoming a small planet. The Sidhe have embodied primarily the energies and magic of the stars. We, the Shining Ones, are preparing to become the sun to your planet. The Sun and the Moon of our galaxy were once united to the Earth. The most advanced beings of purity left with the Sun and now shine their eternal warmth from the outside rather than from within. In the future, Sun and Earth will reunite. Live into the magic within and around you. Unite with this magic. Become magic. This possibility arises from inner silence, from the Nothingness where Everything Exists. Become silence and let the intentions of your I AM connection at Source emerge, ushering in beauty and wonder through you into Mother Earth. Unite Human and Sidhe and shine bright as stars in the sky as you blend together in the heart space. Radiate unconditional love until you are permeating the whole world with tranquility. This is who you are. It will change the world. Become a star.