Third Wave Healers of the Sidhe
These generous, benevolent Sidhe began to arrive in September of 2023. They are available to connect and co-create with all who call on them. They each have a unique gesture, an aspect of their anwa, that they lovingly share with us to assist in co-creating and communicating more easily with the them. Some of these Shining Ones are seeking a Human friend they are reuniting with but all these individuals have come forward to assist people in their "becoming," to help each of us come into alignment with the I AM of our eternal nature at Source of Being, to the extent we are willing. As the true intentions of the eternal individuality flow forth, the potential to commune more closely with all Gaian realms and Starry allies unfolds. Call on the them anytime for their support.
- We send our heartfelt gratitude to these gifted individuals as they share their hearts, their wisdom and presence with us. Third Wave
- Airin Offers the Pure Love of Air and Light
- Alejandra Offers the Impulse of the Divine Feminine in Connection with the Divine Masculine Alwin Wields his White Wizardry over the Land to Enliven and Awaken the World to All Realms with the True Essence of Love Shining through in Beauty and Wonder Anja Offers Calming and Harmonizing for the Astral Body, bringing the Nervous System into Balance. Arthur Brings Strength, Courage and Wisdom to Become the Fullness of Your Individuality, Overcoming All Obstacles and Challenges
- Chandra Expands the Aura to Enhance Subtle Perception
- Charlene Unites Humanity Through Pure Love and Intuitive Capacities
- Donegan Utilizes the In-Breath to Gather the Dispersed Aspects of the Soul, Bringing One into WholenessE Elior of Light Brings the Gift of Starlit Pure Love to Ignite the Fire of the Eternal Individuality
- Esen Unfolds the Butterfly of the Eternal Nature Through Metamorphosis of the Bodily and Spiritual Bodies through the Chrysalis of Pure Love
- Eshmun Physician Bringing the Angelic Forces of the Sun to Deep Wounds to Restore to Health
- Excelsior Becoming a Star
- Ezra Subtle Physician Utilizing a Vortex of Healing Frequencies
- Fiona Offers Purity in Heart-to-Heart Connection
- Franklin Brings Balance in Economic Practice
- Galen Activation of I-being for Integration into Wholeness
- Genevieve Alleviates and Brings Peace for Emotional and Mental Issues
- Gressa Offers Enlivening and Renewal through Connection with Gaia and her Subtle Realms
- Helix and Sally DNA Activation and Renewal
- Isador Offers Integration and Harmonization through a Vertical Connection with the "I"
- Joshua Opening the Heart Space Through Cosmic Sound ~ The Music of the Spheres
- Kaizen Brings the Impulse of Heart Thinking with Connection to the 3rd Eye at the Forehead
- Meredith Etheric Massage for Rejuvenation and Harmonization of the Body Systems
- Micah Brings the Impulse of Pure Love of the Divine Masculine
- Nabu Alchemical Opening and Aligning the Etheric Heart and 3rd Eye of Inner Vision at Source Niamh The Dragon Rider Who Births the Dragon Heart on the Inner and in the Outer World
- Oberon Awakening and Enlivening and Opening of the Heart Space
- Paccia Brings a Protective and Transformative Cocoon of Peace Enfolding All the Bodily and Spiritual Sheaths
- Quinn A Visionary Bringing Modalities for Calming the Nervous System and Development of Subtle Sensing
- Rosa Offers Divine Feminine Cradle of Mother Love Rowan A Mount Shasta Blue Star Sidhe Brings Transformational New Knowledge from Sirius Sarvata Chakra Healing, Balance and Harmonization
- Solea Healing of the Chakras through Color, Enhancing Creativity and Connection to the Eternal Individuality
- Stillman Brings the Modality of Deep Inner Stillness Tallman Offers Union with the Giant Trees of Mother Earth, Strengthening Connection to the Stars and Gaia, and to your Eternal Individuality
- Tarak Star Priest and Alchemist Bringing Spheres for the Nervous System in Physical and Spiritual Bodies
- Tellus A Gaian Priest Offering Frequencies for Connection to Gaia and Her Realms
- Theodore Alchemist who Offers Spheres of Specific Elixirs for Each Person and Moment
- Tovenaar A White Wizard Unveiling the Gift of Magical Creation for this New Era Týr Brings the Sunshine of Pure Love to All Bodily and Spiritual Sheaths for Rejuvenation and Awakening
- Vanir A White Wizard who Facilitates Emergence of Self-Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future of the Eternal Individuality
- Wellan A Gaian Priest Assisting in Accessing the Deep Well of Creative Life Forces Within ~ The Spring of Life
- Willow A Mount Shasta Blue Star Sidhe Brings Heart Thinking and Divine Feminine Energies from Sirius
- Wyndham White Wizard ~ Healing Through the Elements
- Zahara A Star Priest who Opens the Upper Chakras to Conscious Connection with Celestial Realms