Lugh, pronounced Lū, is an Irish name meaning "light." He brings the gesture of pure love and glowing light into the heart, awakening the individuality's true intentions through heart thinking. His gesture is a streaming of unconditional love to the heart, raying out in all directions around the region of the head and chest. There is a felt sense of being held in purity and light which can lead one to freely choose to reciprocate this gentle love. This becomes a co-creation, a first communication of exchanging peace and flowing love. Through ongoing exchange, the thoughts wafting in the head quiet and the doors and windows of the heart open to the Source of Being, to the All. Inner guidance deep within begins to flow and increasingly informs each step you take. Heart thoughts and images bubble up to the 6th chakra at the forehead. The heart begins to have thoughts. This is the thinking of the future. Creativity bursts forth and a new sense of purpose emerges. Invite Lugh on a journey of the heart, connecting to all that your individuality has come into this life to experience in full measure.