Keevon, pronounced KEE-von is a name of Irish origin meaning "beloved." He is of the Heart Sidhe lineage. Keevon brings the gesture of loving harmony through the presence of pure, unconditional love. This is the deep peace of harmony within yourself, within the world and between all realms. The image above which Keevon has chosen represents a mirroring of harmony and communion above and below, cooperation and community streaming through the purity of love and graciousness. Harmony unites the realms of the Sidhe and Humanity, and all Celestial and Gaian realms as they all weave and serve together. Keevon indicates this begins in the heart space, opening all the doors and windows of the heart to pure, selfless love to allow the impulses of your eternal individuality of the Monad, Oversoul, or I AM at Source of Being to flow into your being. Keevon has always remained in oneness with his eternal nature at Source, in oneness with all the Sidhe, and all realms. He invites you to join him, to the extent you are willing, following him into the Blessed Stillness within, to find peace and harmony within yourself. He knows the way. For the Spark of Divinity to ignite into the flame of pure love, you are invited to rest in the silence and nothingness of the All. Here the fecund, fertile ground of all creative potential exists. Learn to love the deep inner stillness, and feel the creativity all around you. This is the Nothingness where Everything Exists. In the process, all inner angst and tension drift away. Old wounds come to the surface and are healed. Your personality that has been conditioned by the 3 dimensional world is surrendered. Let go of your own, personal imaginations and inspirations. All is set aside in humble quietude. Nothing is lost. All is metamorphosed in the nothingness, similar to the caterpillar who liquefies to become the magnificent butterfly. Now what arises begins to waft and weave from the true intentions of your eternal Self. Subtle senses unfold in fullness, and connection to the Sidhe and all realms becomes more conscious. The possibilities for consciously harmonizing with the Sidhe, with the beings of the land, and serving with all realms blossom in beauty and wonder. Connections with the kingdoms of nature and all the elements emerge. The Sidhe are friends with the elements and send messages through wind, rain, clouds and rainbows. All you see, hear, and touch is alive in pure love. Join Keevon on a journey of love and harmony, finding this harmony within yourself, with Keevon and the Sidhe, and Celestial and Gaian realms. Hold the Grail Cup of sacred service together to bring peace and harmony to this world so in need of the healing balm of pure, unconditional love.