Ian of the Light
Ian pronounced EE-un is a name of Scottish Gaelic origin meaning "God is Gracious." For Ian of the Sidhe this translates to "The Light of Grace, Truth and Pure Love streams from the I AM of Source of Being." He is of the Heart lineage of the Shining Ones. Ian speaks, "The Light of Divine Love is at the core of All That Is. In truth, all is pure love and always has been. You are pure love. All that is around you is pure love. During the long period of separation and individuation, you have forgotten this. As your friend and Shining One, I have always remained in connection with the Light of my individuality, in connection with Source Light, with all celestial and Gaian realms. I bring this light to your being, to your heart, to help you awaken and remember who you are, as you are ready and willing to do so in your freedom. You are a carrier of the Light. You are the Light. So are the trees, all plants, the animals, and all human beings. Gaia is pure love. All the elements of earth, water, air and fire on this planet are pure love. Your physical being consists of these wondrous elements of the Earth. It is true that all Humans carry a Divine Spark of the purest love within. It is more accurately a burning flame. You are a starseed, a star of love incarnated on Earth. You are a shining sun. How do you come to know this in truth for yourself? How do you connect with your spiritual essence? There is only one way. It is through the heart space. This is not the physical heart within the astral world of feeling through the nervous system. Your physical senses have been designed for engagement with your 3 dimensional world of separation. It is the etheric heart that is opening now. This brings you into oneness with your eternal individuality and all realms. I invite you to ask me to draw close to your heart, allowing the light of my pure love to blend with your heart. This is the preferred way of communication for all Sidhe, heart to heart communion. When my selfless love touches your heart, your own heart responds in kind, spontaneously returning this love. Most human beings have not experienced this level of celestial purity. The Peace of the Sidhe begins to open all the doors and windows of the heart space, and what needs to be healed is felt and released, held in sacred love. To experience this blending, enter into the Blessed Stillness. Lie down in a comfortable position, relaxing your body from head to toe. Take deep breaths with long expirations and melt into the space of complete surrender. Let go of all thoughts and feelings and enter the Nothingness where Everything Exists. This is the way home. Let go of everything, entering into sublime quiessence. This is where our hearts truly meet, in the nothingness of the Creative Universal All. With practice and patience, your eternal individuality begins to shine inspirations into the silence. When you are inwardly still, you will become free. There is no feeling like this! I live in this space. I invite you to join me here and serve with me from this Universe Within. Your heart space unfurls and expands. You are not leaving your body. You are simply becoming the fullness of your starry nature. Your subtle senses emerge from the stillness. The palms of the hands become receptors and disseminators of pure love. You will be in communion with all you touch, with every tree, rock, and flower. They will communicate their love and you will be in a shared space in union with one another. Gaia's realms come alive in beauty, wonder and connectedness. See my portal page image above. This is the image of our combined purity streaming through the world, enlivening all the world around in unconditional love. I am in oneness with all the elements, and will send you messages through the wind, the clouds, rainbows, and birds and animals who unexpectedly cross your path. Watch for these synchronicities and know I am honoring the unfolding of your eternal nature in a moment or event that has preceded or occurs immediately after this blessing. All the world is in a state of metamorphosis now, including you and me. Join me in this joyous, magical dance and let us sing these new songs together in the new world, manifesting love and hope and peace."