Ethan ~ The birth of The Heart
Ethan pronounced EE-tahn is name of Hebrew origin meaning strong, endurance, and long-lived. He is of the Heart lineage of the Shining Ones. He brings a vibrant, sunny disposition with an expansive heart, offering the fullness of the new heart thinking supported by the Archangel Michael. He is a vigilant protector and guide. Ethan's presence is a warm, enlivening flowing into the heart space. He expands into the heart, fanning out in all directions into the periphery and into the depths of your cosmic well. He streams upward to stimulate the 3rd eye and to the upper chakras above the head. As you blend with him, he will open with you in the heart space as far as you are comfortable, as big as a shining star. Ethan speaks, "I am all heart. I am a silvery, starlit heart of pure love. So are you. The age of the heart has arrived. The new heart thinking guided by the leading archangel of our era, the Archangel Michael, is now emerging strongly. The heart begins to have thoughts. These are thoughts arising from the open heart space imbued with purest feeling. All thoughts in the future will be communicated through the purity of the open heart, streaming messages into the 3rd eye. This is not the physical heart and feelings coursing through the astral body and nervous system. This is the expanded, limitless heart space that lies within every human being that gradually opens into the Universe Within. You look out with your physical eyes to the starry firmament around you in your world. The stars are also within you. You are a microcosm on the inner of the macrocosm that is around you in the outer world. The Cosmic Human is an absolute wonder, and a connector for all realms. You and I are representatives of the two positive streams of evolutions of Cosmic Humanity. We now come together to share our gifts with one another for the future of humanity. The Star Sidhe have always remained in connection to our individual I AM of Source of Being, with each other and with the Celestial and Gaian realms. We now come together with you and blend heart to heart to assist in opening all the doors and windows of your heart, guiding you back into connection with your I AM at Source and your eternal individuality, to the extent you freely choose this, to the extent this resonates with your heart. Dormant genetic connections within you are now reestablished to make this all possible. It was necessary for you to close these doors for a period of time while you were in separation from the All. Through this period, you developed a strong sense of self, and clear day waking consciousness. You are individualized! And this is what Source wanted to experience, fragmenting into the billions of fractals which we are. Source wants unique, individualized experience. This is Earth. The vessel of your physical body is an absolute wonder of the Cosmos! Your spirit and soul inhabit a body created from the elements of earth, water, air and fire. Love this precious body! All of the elements within are now transforming into pure love. Because these elements are of Gaia, the whole world metamorphoses into selfless love as your bodily nature purifies. The heart is the key to the future. You have always had the ability to come home to Oneness through the heart. The Sidhe, our Celestial families and especially the Archangel Michael guide us. Will you come with me? There is only one way home. This is through the Blessed Stillness. You must silence your physical senses which were designed for experiencing and functioning within your 3 dimensional world. The fullness of your subtle senses can only arise in complete stillness, in the Nothingness where Everything Exists. Surrender everything into the nothingness. You will not lose anything in the silence. It will all metamorphose. You will become the fullness of you. The Blessed Stillness is fertile ground, and you will feel the potential of the Creative Universal All around you. Keep surrendering and you will continually become all that you are. In this surrendering, you become free. You are in sublime peace. You will experience the Peace of the Sidhe. This profound peace and inner quietude is where you can choose to live and how you can walk through the world. You become peace incarnate. Through your emerging subtle senses, you experience every tree, rock, flower and blade of grass in the beauty and magic of their love. You are a shining star of heart! See my Portal Page image above. This is you! You are golden sunlight and I am silver starlight, Human and Sidhe. The gold and silver are braiding and linking together in Sacred Service once again. See the image below. This is an image from the Card Deck of the Sidhe. This is me. I am Pegasus. I have come to you from the stars and I am now with you in all your endeavors. We travel through the world and the stars together, flying with the magic and wonder of Pegasus. Watch for synchronicities around you. I am One with the elements and send you messages through clouds, rainbows, wind, feathers, and birds and animals who cross your path unexpectedly. I send these signs to you at moments when your I AM presence is manifesting in some way in the world. I invite you to come with me on this journey of the opening heart in Gaia's magical world so in need of the blessings of peace, harmony, wonder and unconditional love."