Elias, pronounced ee-LI-us, is a name of Hebrew origin meaning "Jehovah is God." Elias interprets this as "wisdom and purity flow from the I AM of Source of Being." He is of the Heart Healer lineage of the Sidhe. Elias brings the gesture of opening the heart door to all the beauty within and without through pure, unconditional love. His presence is a tender flowing into the heart space with gentleness and peace. There is such tranquility and serenity in his delicate streaming that one melts into this. One can rest in his peace, releasing all inner anxiety, tension, and racing thoughts. When the open human heart experiences the purity of the Sidhe, the receptive heart returns this tenderness from deep within. A soft, beautiful Sidhe-Human co-creation arises, the reunion of two streams of evolution of Cosmic Humanity. Elias flows from heart to head to enliven the 3rd eye at the forehead, which gradually unveils inner vision. Elias guides one into the Blessed Stillness within. This is not found through the physical heart but beyond the heart behind the sternum or breastbone. Focusing into the depths of one's inner being in the silent spaces that are infinite within, one learns to rest in the nothingness. And yet, in surrendering to the quietude, there is the sense of creative potential all around in this Nothingness where Everything Exists. Elias indicates this is the most healing activity one can gift oneself. The human nervous system is far too overstimulated, and in the quietude every bodily and spiritual sheath is healed. It is here in complete surrender, one gradually slips through the heart door to the Universe Within. The true intentions and longings of one's eternal individuality at Source flow forth and manifest more fully into the world. All the beauty and wonder of the world awakens at a deeper level. One begins to commune more fully with Gaian realms and one senses the pure love in the elements of mineral, water, air and fire. All is alive with beauty and love! The Sidhe are friends of the elements and Elias co-creates messages with the clouds, the wind and in rainbows to communicate his presence. The palms of the hands become receptors and disseminators of pure love with the touch of every tree, flower and stone. The upper chakras open to the celestial realms, and one experiences the love of starry allies. All is communicated through the heart space. Elias guides one to sense this union of feeling in the heart. Feeling thoughts arise from heart to head. The "heart begins to have thoughts." This is the heart thinking supported by the Archangel Michael, the leading archangel of our era. The Sidhe are beings of pure love but so are human beings! The Sidhe have stayed in connection with their eternal nature, with each other and with starry realms to help us unfold the truth of who we truly are through their silvery, starlit love. The Sidhe then experience the depths of the golden fire of human love flowing in matter. Join Elias on a journey of self-discovery in heart opening and wonder. Hold the Grail Cup of Sacred Service together, uniting the silver and the gold to bring beauty, peace and magic to our world so in need of the healing balm of pure love.