Antony, pronounced AN-tu-nee is name of Latin origin meaning "priceless one." Saint Anthony is the patron saint of mislaid items and prayed to by those seeking something they have lost. Antony indicates that to him, "Reuniting is priceless. What has been lost is now found between Human and Sidhe." Antony is of the Heart Healer lineage of the Sidhe. He brings the gesture of pure, unconditional love to open the doors and windows of the heart, igniting the Spark of Divinity within at the I AM of Source of Being. The true intentions of your eternal individuality pour forth into the world, facilitating awakening to Gaia's realms. Antony also streams from heart to head to enliven the 3rd eye at the forehead to inner vision. Antony's presence is a vibrant flowing into the heart, a sun of love that streams out from the core in all directions. It is as though there is a glowing orb of starlit tenderness that touches you deeply. This is not love that is overstimulating but is peaceful, joyful and makes you smile. As the receptive heart receives this purity, there is a response of pure love from deep within the heart space. A gentle Sidhe-Human co-creation ensues between you and Antony, a reunion of two streams of evolution of Cosmic Humanity that have long been separated. Antony has always remained in connection to his eternal nature, to all the other Shining Ones, and to Celestial and Gaian realms. As an incarnated human, you have the same spiritual physiognomy as the Sidhe with the sense organs around the head and spine. See the image below. These have been largely dormant through the age of separation for humanity. In Antony's presence, your sense organs have the potential to unfold rapidly. With ongoing collaboration, Antony guides you into the Blessed Stillness. You gradually learn to let go of all you "think you are" and all you "think you know," all the patterns and conditioning of your world that cannot cross the threshold of existence. Why is this? You are an eternal individuality, and your guidance with your highest aims and intentions streams through you the more you live in inner quietude. This is where Antony and all the Sidhe live. You assume a gesture of quiet, inner repose. You are a receiver of the sacred or Divine Will, to the extent you are willing. With time, the heart door opens to the Universe Within where you have the potential to endlessly co-create with Antony. Subtle senses blossom, and communion with the elements and Gaia's realms of Fairies, Gnomes and Devas increasingly emerges. Beauty, wonder and magic manifest at every turn. The Sidhe are friends of the elements, sending messages through clouds, wind, and rainbows. They are friends of the animal kingdom with messages arriving through deer crossing your path, or a bird in flight near you who then shares its song. Join Antony on a journey of self-discovery and wonder. He invites you to hold the Grail Cup of sacred service, weaving your songs together to bring the healing essence of pure love to this world so in need of selfless love. Pure love heals everything.