Alverson pronounced AHL-ver-son is a name of Old Norse origin meaning "son of an elf." He is of the Alchemist lineage of the Sidhe. Alverson is a Healer of the Sidhe and a White Wizard. He brings the gesture of pure, unconditional love to fan the Spark of Divinity that lies within each human being into a flame of love, connecting you with the I AM at Source of Being. The true intentions of your eternal individuality pour forth. Alverson's white magic frees you from the illusion of separation, to the extent you are willing. He casts his starlit love over the land and all begins to sparkle and awaken from the dream, unveiling the presence of all the realms of Gaia. Alverson's presence is a warm flowing into the heart space with gentle love. The Sidhe are the People of Peace, and as Alverson draws close to the heart, you can rest and float in tranquility with him. All tension and inner angst waft away, and all persistent thoughts dissipate in soft clouds of serenity. When Alverson shares his pure love, the receptive heart responds from deep within, returning this tenderness. A budding Sidhe-Human co-creation arises. With ongoing collaboration, the love streams to depths and breadths within the heart space. Alverson guides you to the Blessed Stillness within. This is where the Sidhe live, and where you meet them, in the Nothingness where Everything Exists. This is a space of complete freedom, and is ever so healing for all human beings. The nervous system is far too overstimulated in this world, and benefits from the healing silence. You learn to rest in the peace of the nothingness, feeling the creative potential all around you. Surrender all you think you are and think you know, and allow your eternal nature to arise and inspire you in this quietude. Nothing is lost. This is a metamorphosis, akin to the caterpillar who liquefies to become the magnificent butterfly. Gradually, the heart door opens and you step into the Universe Within. Truly, each person is a microcosm on the inner of the macrocosm all around us in the outer world. Your highest intentions and longings stream into the world, and you have the strength and courage to follow your heart. Alverson streams from heart to head to infuse the 3rd eye with pure love. He enlivens the senses, and you begin to commune once again with Celestial and Gaian realms. The palms of the hands become receptors and disseminators of pure love. Everything you touch is invigorated and enlivened. Imagine a world where Fairies, Devas, Sidhe and Humans live in community and cooperative service together. This is Alverson's White Magic. The veil is lifted and you sense the fairies lovingly enlivening every flower, tree, scrub, and blade of grass. The world sparkles in beauty, wonder, and magic. The benevolent Celestials stream in energies and frequencies to enhance and support the awakening world. White Magic streams from Source of Being, from purest love from the Divine Will. This is Alverson's anwa, his calling engaging with life around him. As you awaken, the world awakens. As you ascend, all of Gaia ascends. Join Alverson on a journey of pure love and self-discovery. He invites you to hold the golden Grail Cup of sacred service together, bringing harmony and community with peace and an abundance of beauty to our world so in need of the healing elixir of pure love.