Valyn, pronounced VAL-in, means strong and healthy in Latin, brings the gesture of invigorating and harmonizing the astral, etheric and physical bodies for optimal engagement in your world. Her loving presence streams into the heart then flows to the top of the head, rolling down throughout the body all the way to the toes, enlivening, and harmonizing the astral and etheric bodies with vibrations that reverberate into the physical body. The repeating, downward rolling motion stimulates the uprightness of the I or Soul and connects you in your sovereignty to Earth. This also puts the bodies into the right relationship with each other and harmonizes them with Gaia. These vibrations and frequencies are musical qualities, humming in co-creation with your own frequencies, composing a unique Sidhe-Human melody. Illness can occur when the sheaths are out of balance or are inharmonious with each other. Collaborate with Valyn to help you harmonize, heal, align and strengthen the subtle bodies, leaving you feeling strong, alive, awake, and healthy to move and perceive more optimally in your world.