Thomas, a name meaning master of air bending, brings the gesture of unconditional love leading to connection, enlightenment and healing from separation. His presence is a jubilant sunburst of light and love into your open heart, expanding into a glowing sun around the astral body that then streams light around your entire being. A delicate connection between the heart and the 6th chakra in the forehead emerges, opening you to heart-thinking. Through this new kind of thinking, feelings and images become thoughts. His joyful, enlivening presence invigorates and motivates you to engage fully with your life. Invite Thomas to open your heart to everyone around you and the beautiful, love filled world in which you live. He is a craftsman, and revels in the joy of co-creating and making of any kind with us. Also, invite him as an ally when you want to bring enthusiasm to everyday life, a cheerful, happy heart to any activity you are engaged in, or even when you just want some cheerfulness in your life.