Ryker meaning super strength in Danish, brings the gesture of strength of heart and uprightness through awakening the I-being, your individuality. His presence fills the heart like a glowing sun, streaming up to the 6th chakra and then flowing to the outer reaches of your aura with vitality, joy and an uplifting sense of courage. There is a sense of strength through the heart center which fortifies you. The awakening of the I-being through the heart leads into a new way of thinking. This heart empathic thinking allows feelings and images to transform into loving and meaningful thoughts. This is one way to communicate with the Sidhe. Invite him as an ally for opening and strengthening the heart, allowing ever increasing connection to the mysteries within your own heart and connection to your world. Invite him also during moments when there is a longing to feel fortified in these uncertain times, to stand strongly in your sovereignty. He will collaborate, demonstrating gestures of strength and courage to remain positive and practice fiery hope. When there are happenings in the world that elicit strong feelings, he will stand with you in presence, kindness, courage and sovereignty.