Layton, an English name meaning "from the meadow", brings the gesture of a gentle, steady infusion of love and sunlight into the heart, spreading out through all of the subtle sheaths, around the entire body, enfolding you like a sun, and connecting you to the natural world. His presence brings one into a state of calm, loving, light-filled being, that then flows out through you to connect to the earth, the kingdoms of nature and all of the realms of Gaia around you. It is a transformation of the heart that he knows is true and possible for us all. Invite Layton as an ally to open your heart to the natural world, deepening your connections with Gaia. Working co-creatively with plants and nature in this way also promotes deep, restorative sleep. Cultivating the earth will result in a blossoming of gentleness and love in your being and a carpet of green over all of Gaia.