Jarah, pronounced YAHR-ah,meaning God gives sweetness and honey, brings the gesture of a calm, uncluttered mind, a noble simplicity and presence. The soothing quality of her presence draws you into quiet and stills an overactive mind to deepen your connection to Gaia and to your home and physical environment, allowing for the beauty of life to emerge around you. Invite Jarah as an ally to gain a clear mind so the creative eye can open, to aid in the design of your environment and connection to nature. She can also help to find peace, spaciousness and joy in simplicity and the little things in life. You will find you can open your heart to a single flower, a tree branch blowing in the breeze, or ripening fruit hanging heavy on a vine. Through co-creative presence, see how the world begins to unfold in lively connectedness.to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.