Irie, pronounced EYE-rie, Jamaican name meaning positive and powerful, brings the gesture of loving enfoldment of the entire astral body, gently streaming enlivening life forces and bringing its vibrations in harmony with Gaia. This gesture brings vitality to the senses and nervous system, helping to clarify perception and heal the weariness resulting from our day waking consciousness. Her presence is a loving flowing into the heart and a gentle expansion outward to encompass the entire egg-like form of the astral body, from your chest to above your head. "Your world requires you to use your senses and your nervous system in a way that often exhausts them, and can create nervousness, agitation and anxiety within your being." Invite Irie regularly to help gently invigorate the nervous system to an optimal vibration that will heal this wear and tear on your body, so you can engage with your world with a healthy, loving presence.