Galina, pronounced ga-LEE-na, a Russian name meaning healer, brings a healing gesture of balancing and aligning the first 7 chakras, by shining forces of love, beauty and peace into them. Her presence flows into the heart then flows to the 7th, crown chakra, moving slowly down through the 6th, 5th, 4th and on to the root chakra, then starting again at the crown. As she flows gently from chakra to chakra, she imbues them with love and light, harmonizing them with the vibrational energies of Gaia, enhancing subtle perception. As you meet these qualities that she offers, your own feelings of love, beauty and peace unfold and can pour out into your life. Invite Galina as an ally when you desire to open your mind and heart to your world and to all the people around you, to imbue it with greater love, peace, beauty and well-being. Also, if pain or sorrow are preventing you from doing this, call on her and she will work with you to bring this beauty and love back into your life. Galina works well with Connelly, she opens the chakras through the midline of the body, and his healing gesture helps the love, beauty and peace to pour outward through the body, the sheaths, and out into the world.