Elav, pronounced EE-lav, an Estonian name meaning energetic, brings the gesture of blending with the astral body, vibrationally optimizing it, transforming the astral body in a revitalizing way that also promotes the development of subtle perception. His presence is a loving, life-filled streaming into the heart, then raying outward, sunlike, permeating and encompassing the astral body with harmonious, revitalizing forces and love. A gentle ray sweeps upward to touch the forehead chakra, opening possibilities for subtle vision. His gesture leaves one feeling restored to balance, peaceful and calm. Invite Elav as an ally to enhance vitality and joy, when you are feeling any anxiety or irritation that interferes with your ability to have a peaceful countenance and presence, and also when you’re on a meditative path and ready to open to subtle perception. All of this will help you connect more fully, in a loving way, with your world.