Connelly, an Irish name meaning love and friendship, brings a healing gesture of enfolding love that flows over all of your subtle bodies, harmonizing with Gaia and increasing subtle perception. His presence enfolds the entire aura and holds you in a loving sun-like glow, encompassing all of the sheaths. He then moves to the crown and flows down throughout the entire body, including the outer sheaths, bringing love, light and vibrational harmonization with Gaia throughout your entire being. As you meet this love, your own feelings of love and peace are evoked and harmonized with it and stream out through your entire body and subtle sheaths to the outermost edges of your aura. Invite Connelly as an ally and his collaboration will help you spread and manifest your love and happiness to those around you. As you learn to hold this gesture this love will continue to live in your being, and you will be able to express it more easily to those in your daily life. Connelly works well with Galina, she first opens the chakras through the midline of the body, and then his healing gesture helps the love, beauty and peace to pour outward through all of the sheaths, and on into the world.