Björn, an Old Norse name meaning bear, brings the healing gesture of love, light and sun-like strength radiating from the heart, creating a field of strength around your entire being. His presence is a loving streaming into the heart, dwelling there and radiating like a sun out around you into the furthest sheaths of your aura, creating love and light filled strength like a sun. This in-pouring of love and light combines with the love in your open heart resulting in a continuous flow of sun-forces of light and love co-creating a unique Sidhe-human composition of unconditional love as a gift to all. As you learn to hold this gesture, this co-creative activity of sun-like radiance, bringing peace, calm and inner strength, will arise at every moment of your life. Invite Björn as an ally anytime to enhance and hold the ability to let love flow from your heart to create a sun-lit aura of loving strength all around you. He will also collaborate in times of sadness or emotional pain, or to help you feel calm, safe and enfolded in strength within yourself. Peace, calm and loving presence will live in your heart, radiating to people you meet and into the world, imbuing it with love.