Asav, pronounced a-SAHV, a name meaning essence, spirit, and soul, brings a gesture of opening the 6th and 7th chakras to subtle perception. His presence streams into the open heart with love, then flows up to the 6th and 7th chakras with a loving, light filled opening and energizing of both of these upper chakras, in a repeating gesture. He also streams love and light into the eyes to help open inner vision and harmonization with the vibrations of Gaia. Invite Asav when you are ready to open to inner sight through your 6th chakra and to connection to starry realms and other allies through the 7th chakra. You will find that there are allies and collaborators waiting to help you and guide you to greater connection both to the stars and to Gaia. You will walk through life with greater awareness of all the ways you can be a positive, loving presence in your world. Co-create with Asav to bring increased love and light and clarity into your mind and your heart.