Alden, an English name meaning old wise friend, is a star priest who brings the gesture of opening the higher chakras, 8, 9 and 10* to connect to the I being and the starry realms, to draw your highest intentions into your physical being, connecting them to your life and the earth. His presence flows into the heart like a sun of love, then on through the bodily chakras, 5, 6, and 7 and into the upper chakras, 8, 9 and 10 above your head, spreading love and light up and out through them. This opens you to your Soul and the cosmos, connecting them to your subtle and physical bodies, drawing them all the way to your feet and into the earth, to then flow into your everyday life. As the 7th chakra is opening, invite Alden as an ally to crown your head in celebration of this opening. Move together to the next step in development, of vibrationally enlivening chakras 8, 9 and 10 by pouring love and light through them. Co-create with Alden to connect to the starry realms and your own greater soul and spirit life, bringing your full presence, your highest intentions into the world. Alden and Reina's gestures complement each other and they like to work together.
*There are a total of 12 chakras, the 7 in the body and five chakras above the physical body, at the apex of the etheric - 8th, astral - 9th, emotional -10th, mental - 11th and spiritual -12th bodies.
*There are a total of 12 chakras, the 7 in the body and five chakras above the physical body, at the apex of the etheric - 8th, astral - 9th, emotional -10th, mental - 11th and spiritual -12th bodies.