Aislin, pronounced ASH-lin, a Gaelic name meaning vision or dream, is a star priestess who brings the gesture of opening the windows to the stars and to the allies there, through the higher chakras (7th-10th), bringing a clear vision of the present and the future. Her presence flows from above, into the 10th chakra, then down through the 9th, 8th and into the 7th, working in these upper chakras to open and refine them. As the chakras are opened and clear you can receive messages and beings from the starry realms. These will come down into the 6th and 5th chakras, and the eyes, connecting also to your heart, so you can see, hear and feel them, discerning their communications to you. Invite Aislin as an ally when you are ready to develop relationships with the starry realms and allies there, to take your place as a collaborator in connection, and as a loving intermediary, an important colleague between the starry realms and the realms of Gaia. Co-create with Aislin the image of the knight of fiery hope, and a positive vision for the future.