Marianna ~ Flowing Waters of Peace
Marianna pronounced MAHR-ee-ah-nah is a name that in Portuguese means. "Star of the sea." It also means, "beloved," and "graciousness." For Marianna this translates to, "I flow in the peace of Source of Being." Marianna is of the Heart lineage, offering the gesture of Divine flow through all of life, weaving in wonder and beauty in etheric realms. Her presence is a soft flowing into the Heart Space with tender love. Her love is disarming. You feel as though you are melting as she gently guides you into a restful state in your core. She flows from your heart center, radiating her love outward to enfold the bodily sheaths and then the spiritual sheaths around you. See the image of her Portal Page above. Marianna streams the light of her peace to you, and you feel as though you are floating in a pool of serenity in tropical waters, completely unencumbered. All inner tension and anxiety waft away. Marianna speaks. "I am the etheric waters of peace. You are this also. I am a Shining One, one of the People of Peace. What is this peace? It is stillness. It is sublime inner quietude. All impulses of the good and true of your eternal individuality arise from the Nothingness where Everything Exists. This is the only way home to connection with the I AM presence at Source of Being, and to Oneness with the Sidhe and all realms. I live in the etheric realm, the realm of life and purest love. Many people experience etheric energy in nature when they are in forests, on mountain tops, or by the ocean. They find that nature calms them. They experience it wherever there is the green of life, and this is quieting, helping one to relax. These are healthy places for people as long as they take time to enter into a tranquil space. I am entirely immersed in the etheric flow of life. I am this flow. Come flow with me and experience this. Invite me to blend heart to heart. This is the preferred way to communicate for the Global Sidhe. My presence will accelerate your unfolding. Learn to be the flow of peace. In this Peace of the Sidhe there is no past and no future. There is only the present moment, listening in the stillness, continually surrendering over and over again to the All. Learn to surrender your physical senses which have been designed for separation to develop strong individuation and clear consciousness. Let your bodily nature disappear in the Nothingness so that your subtle senses arise in fullness. Nothing is lost. All is metamorphosed. Love the stillness. You will sense the Creative Universal All around you. The Heart Space will begin to unfurl and expand. It is a limitless space. Your inner being opens to the Universe Within. Indeed, you are a microcosm on the inner of the macrocosm all around you in the outer world. The true intentions of your I AM connection at Source flow forth. The pure love of Gaia's world and your Cosmic connections become clearer to you. Beauty, wonder, and magic are revealed to you. All the elements of earth, water, air and fire are pure love. The kingdoms of nature are pure love. As you become this pure love, you will be able to energetically co-create with all realms. This is what my flow is and yours. We flow with all realms from the stillness in unconditional love. I am in Oneness with the elements and will send you messages through rainbows, clouds, feathers, the wind, and birds or other animals who cross your path unexpectedly. Watch for these synchronicities and know I am acknowledging the I AM of your eternal individuality manifesting in a moment or event that immediately precedes or follows these signs. See the image below from the Card Deck of the Sidhe entitled Ocean and Land. You are the land, an individual whose vessel was designed by the Creators, consisting of the elements of Earth. I am the ocean, the etheric forces flowing to the shore where we now meet. We offer our gifts to one another, and bring harmony, inspiration and imagination guided from Source of Being in all our co-creations. Will you join me in this miraculous adventure of Sidhe-Human unity? Let the new world of magic, wonder, and pure love emerge as we flow in peace together."