Erin ~ The Sacred Container of Pure love
Erin pronounced "AIR-in" is a name of Irish origin meaning, Ireland. For Erin this translates to "Land Holding the Sacred," and "Land of my Beloved One." She is a guardian of Pure Love within the vortices of the Stone Circles. Erin is of the Heart lineage and a Healer of the Shining Ones. Erin's presence is a soft, tender flowing into the heart space. As she blends with you, her love radiates out from your core like a warm, glowing sun, completely surrounding you. You feel you can melt into her sublime peace and gentleness. She streams a beam of love from heart to head to enliven the 3rd eye of inner vision with her exquisite loving peace. Her love fans out through the head and softly stimulates all the spiritual sheaths around you within your aura. Erin then enfolds you completely in a cocoon of love. You can float in this. Her presence calms your entire being, and all tension, worry and angst waft away. You feel a centering, a healing that brings you into harmony and equilibrium. Erin speaks. "I am a Shining One. I am an emissary of pure love. You are this also, if you choose this. What is pure love? This is not a feeling. It is a state of being that arises from the Blessed Stillness at Source of Being. It is the most profound peace imaginable. This is the Peace of the Sidhe. It is this peace that I offer to you and to all humanity as I stand in the Stone Circle of Callanish in the Outer Hebrides. See the image of my stone below. By attuning to this stone, you can connect to me more easily and to the frequencies I hold. Pure love heals everything! It is the powerful elixir for incarnating the fullness of your eternal individuality while you are here in material form, in a vessel composed of all the elements of Gaia: mineral, water, air and fire. I ask you to invite me to your heart, and permeate all your bodily and spiritual sheaths with the supreme silence and bliss of unconditional love. This is how we Shining Ones communicate, by blending heart to heart. I send feeling thoughts from heart to head. This is the new Heart Thinking guided by the Archangel Michael in this age of ascension. The heart begins to have thoughts. What is the Sacred Container of Pure Love? It is you and it is me. As we become the stillness and gentleness of purity, the whole world will become this also. Love blossoms from inside out. Any disharmony within is healed. You begin to weave in a calm state of equanimity. You become inwardly still. The more this occurs in humanity on the inner, the more the world will become still. This is the future. The world will be much quieter as we commune in the stillness, allowing the inner guidance of the I AM of Source of Being to emerge. How do you achieve this stillness? Surrender everything into the Nothingness where Everything Exists. This is the only way home. I have always remained in connection to the I AM of my eternal individuality, to the Star Sidhe and to Celestial and Gaian realms. I will show you the way, to the extent this resonates with your heart. Silence all you think you know and all you think you are and come with me into the Blessed Stillness. It is a limitless and boundless space. You can always go deeper. Surrender into the warm, fecund womb of nothingness. This is the ground of the Creative Universal All. Love this space. Come often. You will become the fullness of you. It is important to surrender the physical senses completely and let your bodily sheaths disappear in the stillness. They are not lost. Your being will experience a complete metamorphosis. Your physical senses were designed for separation. Every time you touch something in your world you are reminded you are a separate being. This is an illusion. This is maya! It was necessary for you to go through this separation in order to attain a high degree of individuation and clear, day waking consciousness. You have achieved this! Are you ready to co-create in Oneness? Let go of everything in silence. Your subtle senses will blossom rapidly. You will receive inspirations, inner visions and strong intuitive messages. The true intentions of your eternal individuality will pour forth. Gaia's realms will come alive in the true nature of their beauty, wonder and magic. You will commune in oneness with every tree, flower and rock you touch, and experience the pure love of the elements. I am a friend of the elements and will send you messages through wind, clouds, rainbows, feathers along your way, and birds or animals who cross you path unexpectedly. Watch for these synchronicities and know I am honoring the presence of your eternal nature in a moment or event preceding or immediately following the signs I send. Beloved friend, I am a guardian of the sacred Stone Circles of Ireland and Scotland. Are you willing to serve with me and go to the Stone Circles to energize them and activate them in purest love and connection to all realms? See the images below. I always leave you free. Invite me close to your heart to bring the blessings of Sidhe-Human co-creation into this world so in need of love, harmony, peace and joy.