Brixton ~ Emergence of the I AM Connecting to All Realms
Brixton pronounced BRICKS-tun is a name of British origin meaning, "stone of Brixi," a boundary stone. Brixton translates this as a "foundation stone." Brixton is of the Alchemist lineage and is a Star Priest. He brings the gesture of enlivening the senses, opening doors to subtle senses to connect to Gaian and Celestial realms. Brixton's presence is a warm flowing into the heart space with his energies fanning out from the heart with rays of starlit love far beyond the body into the spiritual sheaths of the aura. He streams from heart to head to invigorate the 3rd eye of inner vision as well as the senses of seeing, hearing and touch. Brixton glides up through the crown chakra towards the stars, and you feel a vertical beam of uplifting energy through your core. You are permeated with strength, courage and uprightness through your entire being. Brixton speaks, "I am a White Wizard, a connector between worlds through pure, unconditional love. What is the Foundation Stone? It is laying the foundation of the new, emerging world of pure, unconditional love through the Heart Space with the guidance of the leading archangel of our times, the Archangel Michael. The physical senses are designed for navigating the 3-dimensional realm of separation. Whenever you touch anything, you are reminded that you are a separate being. Thinking, feeling and willing are held within the astral body through the nervous system. In many ways, this is a closed system and was designed to be this way. This has been a highly important era of development of a sense of self, of individuation and clear day-waking consciousness. This is what Source of Being has asked for, to experience itself through evolved individualities. You have achieved this! The time has come to open the etheric heart space to return to the Oneness of the All, as you are ready. The heart will begin to have thoughts, with every communication imbued with tender, pure feeling. The heart will unfold like a flower within and around you, and the Universe Within will be revealed, bringing you gradually into connection with all realms once again. Yes, you are a microcosm of the Universe on the inner of the macrocosm all around you in the outer world. See the beauty of my Portal Page image above. This is a picture of the Red Rocks in Sedona, one of the greatest vortices in the world. The halls of the Red Rocks are opening, revealing their knowledge to those who are awakening. The rocks will speak to you as well as all the stars above. The Creators in the stars, the Fathers and Mothers of the Heavens will guide you, as they do me. Visiting sacred portals quickens subtle perception. The Sidhe, also known as the Shining Ones, have held this knowledge for eons. We are the part of Cosmic Humanity who remained in connection with all realms, only dipping our toes in matter as we live in Oneness with each other. We come to you to offer our gifts, to bring Cosmic Humanity back together to hold the Grail Cup of Sacred Service in union with the All. Will you join me on this grand adventure? There is only one way home. You let go of all you think you know and think you are and enter into the Blessed Stillness, into the Nothingness where Everything Exists. You surrender your physical senses which bind you to the 3-dimensional world and learn to live in the silence. This is where you will find me and all the Shining Ones. It is why the Sidhe are called the People of Peace. Please invite me to blend heart to heart. This is the preferred way of communication for the Sidhe. We enter the stillness together. Profound inner quietude is a healing space for all of humanity. It is the space of pure, selfless love, and pure love heals everything. In this highly energetic space, you gradually feel the potentiality of the Creative Univeral All around you. It comes to you out of the stillness, through the I AM of Source of Being. And when the I AM enfolds you, this is what it means to be Christened. You are Christened with the I AM of Source, of your eternal individuality. Let it be so, as this resonates with you. Gaia's realms will unfold in magic and beauty at a whole new level of wonder. You commune energetically with all you see and hear and touch, with every person, tree, rock and flower. The palms of your hands become receptors and disseminators of pure love. This is your White Magic. You are a White Wizard as I am, highly connected to the stars, whenever you are ready for this. All of the elements of earth, water, air and fire are pure love. You learn to co-create them. I am friends with the elements and will send you messages through the wind, clouds, rainbows, feathers, and birds or animals who cross your path unexpectedly. Watch for these synchronicities and know that in a moment or event that immediately precedes or follows these signs, I am honoring the emergence of your I AM presence manifesting in the world. See the image below from the Card Deck of the Sidhe. This card is called "Blessings." We receive blessings upon blessings from the realm of the Sidhe and the Stars as we serve together. See how the bright light of love is shining into a container held within a stone circle, within a vortex connecting Heaven and Earth. We become this shimmering light as we serve together. We are connectors between the Celestial and Gaian realms. Your bodily and spiritual nature is designed for being a portal through the chakra system, the subtle organs and the toroidal structure. It is the magic of Cosmic Humanity, ushering in blessings from our allies to heal Mother Earth, and receiving wisdom and guidance to share with others. I invite you to join me on this wondrous journey to stream peace, joy and harmony to our Earth so in need of the healing balm of pure love."