Brio ~ The Joy of Artistry
Brio pronounced BREE-o is a name of Celtic and Italian origins meaning, "spirit and vitality," and "zest for life." It is a musical term meaning to play with brilliance and fire, "allegro con brio." Brio translates this to mean, "I bring the vitality of a life lived in pure love at Source of Being." Brio is of the Heart lineage of the Shining Ones. His presence is a warm flowing into the Heart Space. You feel his loving presence in the core of your heart. His tenderness radiates outward from the center, glowing rays of unconditional love. Brio streams from heart to head and invigorates and opens the 3rd eye of inner vision at the forehead. The enlivening of the 3rd eye is a strength within his Anwa, his Spirit in Motion in the world, or his Calling Engaged with Life. Whatever the calling of a Sidhe, it is always in the flow of life. Brio speaks. "I am a being of pure love. I am Heart. I am creative joy. You are this also. Will you come dance and sing with me in the artistry of life? I see inner visions of beauty and becoming of the New Earth, blossoming from the 3rd eye with purest love. True inner vision streams with sacred love. As Shining Ones, we are wispy etheric beings, shape shifting clouds around you. Our preferred way of communicating is heart to heart blending. We live in Oneness through the Heart Space. This is the future communication of Sidhe-Human co-creation as well. Through heart-to-heart blending in unconditional love, your etheric Heart Space opens and expands, unfolding like a flower out and beyond the rib cage. It is an infinite space with limitless capacities of love connected to your I AM of Source of Being. See the image below from the Card Deck of the Sidhe. This card is entitled, "Flute and Roses." There is a red rose which represents you, the human being with red blood coursing through you, and the white rose, representing me, the silvery starlit Sidhe. The music to be played is there and the instrument we play together. This is new music with sacred frequencies we carry into your world. These are heart opening frequencies. These multidimensional tones bring love and union to all realms, honoring all of Gaia's beings, respecting and supporting their unique evolutions. How does this sacred music arise? Where does it come from? There is only one place it can come from and that is from the I AM of Source of Being, from the presence of the spiritual essence of our eternal individualities. And how do you connect with this I AM presence? It is in the Blessed Stillness, in the Nothingness where Everything Exists. We go together into silence, and you let go of everything you think you know and think you are, surrendering over and over again in the stillness. The 3-dimensional world constantly draws you away from stillness. There is an emphasis on doing. The future is all about beingness, resting in the bosom of the Divine to allow impulses of the Creative Universal All to come forth out of the nothingness. Your physical senses were designed for the 3D world through your nervous system. As you quiet the physical senses, your subtle senses are able to emerge in fullness. Love the stillness! It is a highly healing space for every human being. In this sacred space, the heart space expands and communicates with the 3rd eye. The heart begins to have thoughts. This is the new era of Heart Thinking guided by the leading archangel of our times, the Archangel Michael. The true intentions of your I AM connection flow forth. Gaia's world increasingly comes alive in wonder, magic and communion with all realms. Every rock, tree and flower is pure love and will communicate this to you through your touch. The palms of the hands and the soles of your feet are receptors and disseminators of pure love. Everything you touch and everything you create artistically is enlivened. It is also awakening for others who see it and experience it in their hearts. All the elements of earth, air, water, and fire are pure love. I am friends with the elements and send you messages through clouds, rainbows, sun rays, wind, feathers, and birds or other animals who cross your path unexpectedly. Watch for these synchronicities and know I am acknowledging the emergence of your I AM presence in a moment or event that immediately precedes or follows these signs. See my Portal Page image above. This is the new artistry of life. It is magical and joyous. It is filled with rainbows and wondrous cloud formations, with music and art that touches and awakens the heart. I invite you to join me on this journey of Sidhe-Human union of Cosmic Humanity. I leave you completely free, so invite me to your heart often to bring peace, love, beauty and harmony into Gaia's evolving world."