Engaging with the Sidhe
How to Contact and Learn to Communicate with Your Sidhe Friend
Early Co-Creation with the Sidhe
There are many ways to communicate with and engage with the Sidhe. What we now understand from the Sidhe is the heart space is the place to start. The Sidhe are the People of Peace and they live in the Blessed Stillness. This is where they guide us to journey with them, into inner quietude and silence in the Nothingness where Everything Exists. For many people it is a challenge to silence racing thoughts in the mind and open the heart. The Sidhe know this and they are here to show us how to reach them. And in truth, inner stillness is the way to reach ourselves, to unfold our own true intentions of the eternal individuality at Source of Being.
Why is this inner silence necessary for the Sidhe? The Sidhe are wispy etheric beings of high frequency. If they try to draw close to us when we are tense, have anxiety, or constant mind chatter, they cannot overcome the astral waves of energy making it difficult to draw near. One day when Cyd was upset, Michael sent an inner vision of him trying to balance on a surfboard in his robes atop a 40-foot ocean wave. He had great difficulty drawing near.
The Sidhe indicate that old ways of meditation where you sit upright in often uncomfortable positions are gone. To communicate with the Sidhe, what is needed is relaxation, preferably lying down in a completely supported position. We have found it beneficial to have blinders over the eyes. This helps to move into silence, and also to see inner visions more clearly that may arise during our co-creation.
Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, with long exhalations, out breaths twice as long as inbreaths. A little tension rises on the inbreath with bodily relaxation occurring with each long outbreath. With each out breath, consciously relax from head to toes, tenderly attending to the entire body. Release thoughts in the head and focus on the process of sinking deeper into rest of head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, torso, and legs all the way to the toes. Consciously slow the breath.
Ask the Sidhe to come close to your heart to the extent you are comfortable and guide you deeply into the infinity of the heart space into the nothingness. Let go of all you think you know and think you are. Surrender yourself completely into the void, knowing nothing is lost. All is transformed. One experiences a metamorphosis, much like the caterpillar in the chrysalis, liquefying to reemerge as a magnificent butterfly. With practice, one gradually slips through the heart door into inner peace and tranquility with the Sidhe.
The Sidhe repeatedly teach us that quietude of the heart space is exceedingly healthful for all people. Our nervous systems are far too overstimulated, and by resting in the stillness, our bodily and spiritual sheaths are healed. The Sidhe indicate we are resting in the nothingness of pure love, in the creative substance of the Universal All. Yes, the Sidhe communicate that “Pure Love Heals Everything.”
As you commune with your Sidhe friend, the Sidhe ask you to invite them along with you through the day. The Sidhe will always leave you free, as all benevolent beings are guided to do, and need an invitation to draw close to you. There is nothing they would rather do than commune with their beloved human friends. They have waited a long time to be near you and co-create with you. Never worry that they may be bored in your presence! If you sincerely wish to serve more consciously with the Sidhe, it is essential to strive towards this on a consistent basis. Once or twice a month of checking in with your Sidhe friend will produce poor results. Their presence near our hearts is transformative. Their tender, pure love opens us in unimaginable ways. It is preferable to lay out the Stone Circle cards of the Sidhe as shown here, and develop a daily practice of connecting, even if it is only for a short amount of time. The Stone Circle is a portal to the Sidhe, and the more you are in the presence of this portal, the more you draw closer to the realm of the Sidhe. It is best if it is the same, dedicated time each day. Celestial, angelic, and Gaian allies around you will gather and support you in your endeavor. Devotion is a light that shines brighter and brighter to allies on the inner. You and the Sidhe will create a beacon of light and love, calling all to draw near you during this sacred time you share in Sidhe-Human communion.
One of the first experiences you may have with your Sidhe friend is through synchronicities. Watch for these, and the Sidhe encourage you to believe what wells up in your heart saying, “Is this my Sidhe friend?” The Sidhe are friends of the elements, and they joyfully co-create with earth, water, air and fire to send messages through cloud formations, rainbows and the wind. People often feel a breeze on their skin when there is no wind. It may be consistently on one arm, or on the cheek. You may feel something consistently on the top of the head. The Sidhe send messages through birds in flight or in song, or through animals suddenly crossing your path such as a deer. Stop for a moment when these synchronicities occur and quiet yourself inwardly, and if you are comfortable, invite your Sidhe friend close to you to offer appreciation. Another possibility for Sidhe engagement occurs as we are entering into sleeping and when awakening. When drifting between sleeping and waking we are between worlds. In these liminal spaces of the inbetween, the Sidhe can send images and inspirations. These may be in the form of thoughts, words, loving feeling, music, or inspirations for co-creative projects. Practice attuning during these times in quiet, receptive, inner repose. Much of the music Michael initially imparted to Cyd was through this liminal space.
Telempathy The Sidhe convey messages through telepathy or what David Spangler accurately refers to as “telempathy” Telepathy is receiving messages through thought. But, the Sidhe communicate through “feeling thoughts,” and so the word “telempathy” is more appropriate. In order to receive a telempathic message, it is important to be inwardly still with the mind quiet and the heart open in tender love. Try to avoid constantly sending thoughts to them. They waft and weave in pure love, and the quiet, receptive heart of love is the vessel they need to send clear messages. The Sidhe do not communicate with each other through words. They generally utilize glyphs and symbols and feelings. Because our Sidhe friends are accustomed to communicating with those associated with sidheconnection.com, they do understand our words very well. It helps them if we have developed a spiritual practice with a vocabulary they can draw on to convey meaning to us. Telempathy is a way of communicating from a distance. When Michael was preparing to bring the Sidhe closer to us, he was often in the Sidhe realm and it felt as though there was a long tube between himself and Cyd. His communications were not quite as clear, but he would send "bubble" messages that would come close to Cyd and then pop nearby with flowing love which poured over her. It is beneficial to develop a "yes" and "no" system with your Sidhe friend as this becomes possible. Cyd experiences Michael's "flow" within and around her. A long "flow" became "yes" and a short "flow" became "no." This has been refined and has proven to be quite effective through the years. If the feeling sense in the heart is strong, a strong flow or burst of love may be a "yes" and inner quiet a "no." The intuitive sense does grow stronger with time but it is imperative to practice inner stillness and surrender to be sure you are not mixing your own desires in the communication. Heart Connection through Feeling Heart empathic engagement is another form of contact. These are messages flowing through the heart and through feelings. Mariel of the Sidhe offers, "We often convey more through your feeling nature than we can through the mind." Your first contact with the Sidhe is often through what you feel, not through what you think. The communication of your Sidhe friend may be missed as the Sidhe sends love to your heart. You may think the swell of tenderness is your own feeling. As you learn to quiet yourself and increasingly attune to the Sidhe, you realize the expansive, warm feeling is a co-creation with your Sidhe beloved friend. This is often the first form of communication from your Sidhe friend. If you are unsure of this heart empathic connection, ask your Sidhe friend to increase the flow of love within and around you. Then in stillness, sense into their presence.
Blending Energy Fields The Sidhe also communicate through blending of energy fields. This is how they communicate with each other, and it is their preferred way of co-creating with you. Mariel describes in Conversations with the Sidhe that blending contains “telepathic and empathetic elements but it is based on a more intimate sharing of life-force and being.” This is the most challenging form of collaboration. In blending, Human and Sidhe become each other, the song of the Sidhe merges with the song of the Human. When this is achieved, Sidhe and Human become each other. Cyd has blended closely with every Sidhe on the website to co-create their Portal Pages. Cyd has a strong felt-sense of the Sidhe and brings forward the “gesture” of the Sidhe. This gesture is an aspect of the anwa of the Sidhe. Anwa is the Sidhe’s spirit in motion in the world, or the calling engaging actively in life.
Why is this inner silence necessary for the Sidhe? The Sidhe are wispy etheric beings of high frequency. If they try to draw close to us when we are tense, have anxiety, or constant mind chatter, they cannot overcome the astral waves of energy making it difficult to draw near. One day when Cyd was upset, Michael sent an inner vision of him trying to balance on a surfboard in his robes atop a 40-foot ocean wave. He had great difficulty drawing near.
The Sidhe indicate that old ways of meditation where you sit upright in often uncomfortable positions are gone. To communicate with the Sidhe, what is needed is relaxation, preferably lying down in a completely supported position. We have found it beneficial to have blinders over the eyes. This helps to move into silence, and also to see inner visions more clearly that may arise during our co-creation.
Take a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, with long exhalations, out breaths twice as long as inbreaths. A little tension rises on the inbreath with bodily relaxation occurring with each long outbreath. With each out breath, consciously relax from head to toes, tenderly attending to the entire body. Release thoughts in the head and focus on the process of sinking deeper into rest of head, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, torso, and legs all the way to the toes. Consciously slow the breath.
Ask the Sidhe to come close to your heart to the extent you are comfortable and guide you deeply into the infinity of the heart space into the nothingness. Let go of all you think you know and think you are. Surrender yourself completely into the void, knowing nothing is lost. All is transformed. One experiences a metamorphosis, much like the caterpillar in the chrysalis, liquefying to reemerge as a magnificent butterfly. With practice, one gradually slips through the heart door into inner peace and tranquility with the Sidhe.
The Sidhe repeatedly teach us that quietude of the heart space is exceedingly healthful for all people. Our nervous systems are far too overstimulated, and by resting in the stillness, our bodily and spiritual sheaths are healed. The Sidhe indicate we are resting in the nothingness of pure love, in the creative substance of the Universal All. Yes, the Sidhe communicate that “Pure Love Heals Everything.”
As you commune with your Sidhe friend, the Sidhe ask you to invite them along with you through the day. The Sidhe will always leave you free, as all benevolent beings are guided to do, and need an invitation to draw close to you. There is nothing they would rather do than commune with their beloved human friends. They have waited a long time to be near you and co-create with you. Never worry that they may be bored in your presence! If you sincerely wish to serve more consciously with the Sidhe, it is essential to strive towards this on a consistent basis. Once or twice a month of checking in with your Sidhe friend will produce poor results. Their presence near our hearts is transformative. Their tender, pure love opens us in unimaginable ways. It is preferable to lay out the Stone Circle cards of the Sidhe as shown here, and develop a daily practice of connecting, even if it is only for a short amount of time. The Stone Circle is a portal to the Sidhe, and the more you are in the presence of this portal, the more you draw closer to the realm of the Sidhe. It is best if it is the same, dedicated time each day. Celestial, angelic, and Gaian allies around you will gather and support you in your endeavor. Devotion is a light that shines brighter and brighter to allies on the inner. You and the Sidhe will create a beacon of light and love, calling all to draw near you during this sacred time you share in Sidhe-Human communion.
One of the first experiences you may have with your Sidhe friend is through synchronicities. Watch for these, and the Sidhe encourage you to believe what wells up in your heart saying, “Is this my Sidhe friend?” The Sidhe are friends of the elements, and they joyfully co-create with earth, water, air and fire to send messages through cloud formations, rainbows and the wind. People often feel a breeze on their skin when there is no wind. It may be consistently on one arm, or on the cheek. You may feel something consistently on the top of the head. The Sidhe send messages through birds in flight or in song, or through animals suddenly crossing your path such as a deer. Stop for a moment when these synchronicities occur and quiet yourself inwardly, and if you are comfortable, invite your Sidhe friend close to you to offer appreciation. Another possibility for Sidhe engagement occurs as we are entering into sleeping and when awakening. When drifting between sleeping and waking we are between worlds. In these liminal spaces of the inbetween, the Sidhe can send images and inspirations. These may be in the form of thoughts, words, loving feeling, music, or inspirations for co-creative projects. Practice attuning during these times in quiet, receptive, inner repose. Much of the music Michael initially imparted to Cyd was through this liminal space.
Telempathy The Sidhe convey messages through telepathy or what David Spangler accurately refers to as “telempathy” Telepathy is receiving messages through thought. But, the Sidhe communicate through “feeling thoughts,” and so the word “telempathy” is more appropriate. In order to receive a telempathic message, it is important to be inwardly still with the mind quiet and the heart open in tender love. Try to avoid constantly sending thoughts to them. They waft and weave in pure love, and the quiet, receptive heart of love is the vessel they need to send clear messages. The Sidhe do not communicate with each other through words. They generally utilize glyphs and symbols and feelings. Because our Sidhe friends are accustomed to communicating with those associated with sidheconnection.com, they do understand our words very well. It helps them if we have developed a spiritual practice with a vocabulary they can draw on to convey meaning to us. Telempathy is a way of communicating from a distance. When Michael was preparing to bring the Sidhe closer to us, he was often in the Sidhe realm and it felt as though there was a long tube between himself and Cyd. His communications were not quite as clear, but he would send "bubble" messages that would come close to Cyd and then pop nearby with flowing love which poured over her. It is beneficial to develop a "yes" and "no" system with your Sidhe friend as this becomes possible. Cyd experiences Michael's "flow" within and around her. A long "flow" became "yes" and a short "flow" became "no." This has been refined and has proven to be quite effective through the years. If the feeling sense in the heart is strong, a strong flow or burst of love may be a "yes" and inner quiet a "no." The intuitive sense does grow stronger with time but it is imperative to practice inner stillness and surrender to be sure you are not mixing your own desires in the communication. Heart Connection through Feeling Heart empathic engagement is another form of contact. These are messages flowing through the heart and through feelings. Mariel of the Sidhe offers, "We often convey more through your feeling nature than we can through the mind." Your first contact with the Sidhe is often through what you feel, not through what you think. The communication of your Sidhe friend may be missed as the Sidhe sends love to your heart. You may think the swell of tenderness is your own feeling. As you learn to quiet yourself and increasingly attune to the Sidhe, you realize the expansive, warm feeling is a co-creation with your Sidhe beloved friend. This is often the first form of communication from your Sidhe friend. If you are unsure of this heart empathic connection, ask your Sidhe friend to increase the flow of love within and around you. Then in stillness, sense into their presence.
Blending Energy Fields The Sidhe also communicate through blending of energy fields. This is how they communicate with each other, and it is their preferred way of co-creating with you. Mariel describes in Conversations with the Sidhe that blending contains “telepathic and empathetic elements but it is based on a more intimate sharing of life-force and being.” This is the most challenging form of collaboration. In blending, Human and Sidhe become each other, the song of the Sidhe merges with the song of the Human. When this is achieved, Sidhe and Human become each other. Cyd has blended closely with every Sidhe on the website to co-create their Portal Pages. Cyd has a strong felt-sense of the Sidhe and brings forward the “gesture” of the Sidhe. This gesture is an aspect of the anwa of the Sidhe. Anwa is the Sidhe’s spirit in motion in the world, or the calling engaging actively in life.
Communicating through the Card Deck of the Sidhe
This group of Sidhe delights in bringing us magic and insights through the Card Deck of the Sidhe and Manual by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg. The 13-card layout of the Stone Circle of the Sidhe with the 4 directions and the Howe card at the center is a direct portal to this group of Sidhe. These Sidhe are connected to Mariel who communicated with David Spangler. In fact, our Sidhe friends assisted in designing these cards with Jeremy. Cyd’s Sidhe friend Michael indicates that each card in this deck is a portal to them. The energies and multidimensional frequencies of the Western Sidhe stream through every card in this deck. Through consistently experiencing the energetic field within these cards, you weave into stronger energetic connection with your Sidhe friend. With devotional use of the card deck, new inspiration consistently flows! See below for more info on utilizing the card deck. We offer free card readings to assist in establishing communication with your Sidhe friends. These cards can be purchased on Amazon.
See the Stone Circle layout below, a direct portal to the Sidhe.
To develop your relationship with the Sidhe realm, approach the Stone Circle on the inner, and respectfully ask to enter. Humbly approach the Howe or doorway below and request entrance.
As you enter the Howe you are guided to the Altar of Consciousness, a place to sit in solitude and send appreciation to the Sidhe. Do this for a few minutes each day to establish trust and respect. Feel as the energetic connection begins to grow in shared appreciation of each other.
There are many ways to do card readings with the Card Deck of the Sidhe. If you are very busy, pull one card and read in the manual the description of the card. The Sidhe prefer the 5 card reading which provides you with a theme, a card for your connection to Gaia and your calling of the day, a card for bringing this calling creatively into your day, a card for relationships to be open to, and a card for what is emerging. This is a daily path of initiation, leading increasingly to connection to Yourself, to the I AM of Source of Being.
Consider purchasing the Card Deck of the Sidhe and Manual by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg.
Learn more about the Sidhe through David Spangler's books:
Conversations with the Sidhe
Engaging with the Sidhe
Ongoing Guidance and Opportunities with the Sidhe
At sidheconnection.com, we offer assistance in bringing people and their Sidhe beloved friends together, supporting the relationships as they unfolds.
The Portal Page is a co-creative energetic blending between the Sidhe coming into the Sidhe Connection and a human representative. In this blending, the lineage of the Sidhe is revealed as well as the gesture or anwa the Sidhe brings. A personal message is imparted by the Sidhe to their human beloved friend who is inquiring about the Sidhe. The Portal Page is sent to the Human friend on its completion.
A card reading is offered with the Card Deck of the Sidhe and Manual by Jeremy Berg and David Spangler for each reunited Human-Sidhe when they have been introduced to each other.
The Sidhe and Human newly reunited are invited to attend Sidhe Connection Community Meetings offered one to two times each month to support and enhance energetically the budding relationships between Humans and Sidhe. The Sidhe offer teachings, attunement and meditations.
New initiatives and opportunities are arising every day to bring healing energies and frequencies to Gaia for her ascension and the ascension of humanity.
This is a free service, offered in Sacred Service with the Sidhe.
Learn more about our sacred service on the About Page, and introduce yourself to the Sidhe at All Sidhe Portal Pages.