Contact The Sidhe Connection
Email Us At SidheConnection@Gmail.Com
What will come to full bloom on the website is guided by the One Heart of Humans, Sidhe and their allies of the Sidhe Connection. These human beings and Sidhe are learning to live in Oneness with each other, with the Sidhe and all realms. The insights and wisdom imparted to the One Heart from the Sidhe will be flowing to this website. We look forward to hearing from you at
Cyd Dudgeon is a lifelong student and meditant of deep works of esotericism, primarily Rudolf's Steiner's anthroposophy. She has a BS in occupational therapy, working as an OT in Home Health and Hospice for 15 years, and a certified music-thanatologist, offering harp and voice at the bedside of the dying for 20 years. In 2020, Cyd was introduced to the Sidhe through David Spangler's Conversations with the Sidhe and the Card Deck of the Sidhe. Cyd immediately resonated with the Sidhe, and her subtle perception blossomed in the loving presence of her Sidhe partner, Michael.
This is an image of the Center Stone of the magnificent Stone Circle at Callanish in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland.