About Sidhe Connection
Our Story
We are committed to the reunification of Sidhe and Humans to co-create in sacred service together. These Shining Ones are connectors. The Global Sidhe we serve with have always remained in connection to the I AM at Source of Being. They are operating from the guidance of their eternal individualities in Oneness with each other, and with Gaian and Celestial realms. They embody a silvery, starlit quality in an ethereal realm where matter is completely malleable to their pure, selfless love. Human beings dove deeply into matter to experience separation, individuation and freedom. Separation from all realms resulted in a necessary period of egoism and fullfillment of selfish desires. But in our unfolding, or what these guardians of humanity call our "becoming," each human being comes to a point of longing for connection in pure love, to return in freedom to Oneness and cooperation with all realms. Golden, fiery love pours through the physical substances of earth, water, air and fire that exist within each person. Every human being has the potential of experiencing a metamorphosis through pure love, and so do all the elements of Gaia which stream through all people in this 3 dimensional realm. This is the golden treasure humanity brings.
Now the silver and gold are reuniting, bringing our gifts together in wonder and magic for Humans and Sidhe. The Sidhe communicate, "The possibilities in co-creation are limitless and boundless." They have drawn closer to our world to assist us in reconnection. This is the mission of Michael. Early on, Michael communicated to Cyd, his human beloved one, that he is a "connector." Michael invited Cyd to join him in his mission, or what the Sidhe refer to as his Anwa. A Sidhe's anwa is more than a mission or calling. It is one's own's calling engaging with life in pure love. Cyd resonated with this mission, recognizing her own anwa. With time, Cyd understood Michael and her role in the cosmic tapestry as "starters," who serve with the rising sun of new beginnings and impulses initiated by the guiding Fathers and Mothers of Celestial realms, particularly the Archangel Michael who is the guiding archangel of our age. During the Co-Creation with the Sidhe class offered by Jeremy Berg in Spring of 2021, there was a swell of interest in the Sidhe by those in attendance, an open heartedness to closer collaboration with the Sidhe. Michael streamed his starlit joy as he communicated the Sidhe's response. "Many Sidhe are coming forward to serve with human beings!" His delight was palpable. Shortly after the conclusion of the class, Michael indicated he needed to leave for awhile and live in the Sidhe realms. It was necessary to replenish his energies and make preparations for the Sidhe who were to draw closer to humanity. He sent frequent telempathic messages through what felt like a long tube, as though he was far, far away. By summer, he was able to draw closer, and in September, Michael communicated repeatedly to Cyd that "Many Sidhe are Arriving" to work closely with human beings. On September 28, 2021, the eve of Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel Michael, the First Wave of the Sidhe began to arrive. A portal space was created to safely guide and protect the Sidhe coming closer to us. The first 101 Sidhe flowed in. Deep, energetic blending occurred with each Sidhe to sense the gesture, the aspect of anwa they were bringing in. There was only so much energy alotted to this initial portal of entry, and Thomas, the final Sidhe of this flowing wave, tumbled joyfully into the space as the portal closed. A temporary website was built to accommodate the Sidhe, and a page was created for each Sidhe that became their Portal Page. The group arriving in 2021 became what the Sidhe call the First Wave. The Second Wave began to flow in May of 2022, and the Third Wave of Healers and Fourth Wave arrived starting in September and October of 2023. The Waves simply indicate the chronological timing of when the Sidhe arrived. Sidhe presence in a particular Wave is now determined by the timing of the inquiry by their beloved Human friend regarding their connection to the Sidhe.
Now the silver and gold are reuniting, bringing our gifts together in wonder and magic for Humans and Sidhe. The Sidhe communicate, "The possibilities in co-creation are limitless and boundless." They have drawn closer to our world to assist us in reconnection. This is the mission of Michael. Early on, Michael communicated to Cyd, his human beloved one, that he is a "connector." Michael invited Cyd to join him in his mission, or what the Sidhe refer to as his Anwa. A Sidhe's anwa is more than a mission or calling. It is one's own's calling engaging with life in pure love. Cyd resonated with this mission, recognizing her own anwa. With time, Cyd understood Michael and her role in the cosmic tapestry as "starters," who serve with the rising sun of new beginnings and impulses initiated by the guiding Fathers and Mothers of Celestial realms, particularly the Archangel Michael who is the guiding archangel of our age. During the Co-Creation with the Sidhe class offered by Jeremy Berg in Spring of 2021, there was a swell of interest in the Sidhe by those in attendance, an open heartedness to closer collaboration with the Sidhe. Michael streamed his starlit joy as he communicated the Sidhe's response. "Many Sidhe are coming forward to serve with human beings!" His delight was palpable. Shortly after the conclusion of the class, Michael indicated he needed to leave for awhile and live in the Sidhe realms. It was necessary to replenish his energies and make preparations for the Sidhe who were to draw closer to humanity. He sent frequent telempathic messages through what felt like a long tube, as though he was far, far away. By summer, he was able to draw closer, and in September, Michael communicated repeatedly to Cyd that "Many Sidhe are Arriving" to work closely with human beings. On September 28, 2021, the eve of Michaelmas, the celebration of the Archangel Michael, the First Wave of the Sidhe began to arrive. A portal space was created to safely guide and protect the Sidhe coming closer to us. The first 101 Sidhe flowed in. Deep, energetic blending occurred with each Sidhe to sense the gesture, the aspect of anwa they were bringing in. There was only so much energy alotted to this initial portal of entry, and Thomas, the final Sidhe of this flowing wave, tumbled joyfully into the space as the portal closed. A temporary website was built to accommodate the Sidhe, and a page was created for each Sidhe that became their Portal Page. The group arriving in 2021 became what the Sidhe call the First Wave. The Second Wave began to flow in May of 2022, and the Third Wave of Healers and Fourth Wave arrived starting in September and October of 2023. The Waves simply indicate the chronological timing of when the Sidhe arrived. Sidhe presence in a particular Wave is now determined by the timing of the inquiry by their beloved Human friend regarding their connection to the Sidhe.
How to determine if a Sidhe is attempting to connect with you?
If you have an inner feeling that you may have a connection to the Sidhe, please feel free to contact us at sidheconnection@gmail.com. Perhaps you bought the Sidhe cards in the past, and experienced synchronicities occurring or messages through the wind or clouds or feathers on your path but dismissed these is your imagination. Maybe you felt warm sensations in your heart but convinced yourself it was only your own feeling, but even now you find there is a tug in your heart wondering about the Sidhe. Or perhaps you only recently discovered the Sidhe and feel a deep resonance. The Sidhe indicate that these feelings and longings often are the Sidhe sending you messages. This is coming from the heart space within. The Sidhe Connection is a new endeavor initiated by the Sidhe to support conscious co-creation with them, giving you certainty and confidence that you do have a Sidhe beloved friend close to your heart, walking beside you through life. The Sidhe are making themselves more visible all around the world, and so are all the realms of Gaia. Michael of the Sidhe communicates, "This is a glimpse of the future now, where Sidhe, Fairies, Devas, and Human realms work cooperatively in community and Oneness, supporting each other in sacred service together."
What are Sidhe Portal Pages?
A Sidhe Portal Page is a direct portal to the Sidhe. When a beloved human friend contacts us at sidheconnection@gmail.com, a Sidhe flows into the space and energetically blends to begin a co-creative exchange of loving presence. This occurs almost instantaneously. There is feeling in the flow of every Sidhe and the first felt-sense is always joy! The joy of the Sidhe is palpable, as they express their delight in reuniting with a beloved human friend. The names and language of the Sidhe are not comprehensible to humans yet, so a human name is determined based on the sounds of the name and meaning. The meaning is compatible with the anwa of the Sidhe as much as possible. The Sidhe communicate their gesture, an aspect of their anwa, through Sidhe-Human blending. This is a sharing of energetic fields to become one with each other. From this blending and flow of their presence, the Sidhe express their lineage as a Heart Healer, an Alchemist, or Star Priest of the Sidhe. The Portal Page is a co-creation with the beloved Sidhe friend, always with the beloved Human friend in mind. The words and images of the Sidhe flow on to the page. The co-creation with the Sidhe occurs within the etheric heart space, and as the Portal Page is completed, the Sidhe friend pours his/her own energy signature into the page through human hands and the 3rd eye. The pure, unconditional love of the Sidhe streams through this page. The Human beloved one is contacted, and sent a direct link to the Portal Page. Here is a link to all Sidhe Portal Pages.
Co-Creative Opportunities with the Sidhe
How do you collaborate with your Sidhe friend once you have been introduced? What does it mean to be in sacred service? There are a multitude of ways to co-create with the Sidhe. The most important is to bring your hearts lovingly to one another in Sidhe-Human love and gentleness. This is magic in itself, and if this is the only communication that appeals to you as an ally of the Sidhe, it is enough. It is magic! You have brought the two realms of Cosmic Humanity together again harmoniously.
The Sidhe Connection meets 2-3 times each month, giving the opportunity to co-create in a strong energetic field between Humans and Sidhe. In these meetings, the Sidhe bring teachings and guidance, and offer meditations which often bring healing impulses for Gaia and humanity. The Sidhe are connectors between realms but so are human beings. Together, Sidhe and Human can bring energies and multidimensional to the Earth from celestial realms that Gaia is asking for.
The Sidhe are also able to assist their human friends in their own "becoming." Because the Sidhe are connected to their own I AM at Source of Being, connected to each other and all realms, their presence makes it possible to assist their human friends in opening the heart space to their own Spark of Divinity of the eternal individuality, and gradually come into Oneness with all realms, if you choose this. This occurs in the Sidhe's presence, particularly in the Sidhe's preferred communication of blending. We increasingly hold the Grail Cup of sacred service together as we co-create in pure, unconditional love.
The Sidhe Connection meets 2-3 times each month, giving the opportunity to co-create in a strong energetic field between Humans and Sidhe. In these meetings, the Sidhe bring teachings and guidance, and offer meditations which often bring healing impulses for Gaia and humanity. The Sidhe are connectors between realms but so are human beings. Together, Sidhe and Human can bring energies and multidimensional to the Earth from celestial realms that Gaia is asking for.
The Sidhe are also able to assist their human friends in their own "becoming." Because the Sidhe are connected to their own I AM at Source of Being, connected to each other and all realms, their presence makes it possible to assist their human friends in opening the heart space to their own Spark of Divinity of the eternal individuality, and gradually come into Oneness with all realms, if you choose this. This occurs in the Sidhe's presence, particularly in the Sidhe's preferred communication of blending. We increasingly hold the Grail Cup of sacred service together as we co-create in pure, unconditional love.
Who are the Sidhe?
The Sidhe are the Shining Ones of Gaelic lore and the guardians of the Stone Circles. They are descendants of the Tuathe De Danan, meaning "Tribe of the Gods," and were considered a supernatural race. The correct pronunciation of the word "Sidhe" is "she." The Sidhe are the part of Cosmic Humanity who remained in celestial realms in connection to their eternal natures and with all realms. The Sidhe do not live in subtle realms, but more of a parallel dimension. The Sidhe confirm what David Spangler describes in his writings, that these Shining Ones consider themselves our "cousins." The Sidhe and human beings share a common ancestor. Humanity freely chose to sojourn more deeply into Gaia to experience separation and individuation, and to bring love streaming into our bodily nature which consists of the elements of earth, water, air and fire. Now the silvery, starlit Sidhe presence brings pure, selfless love pouring through our bodily and spiritual sheaths, having a transformative effect on all sheaths. This is the golden treasure of human experience, love flowing through and transforming matter.
The Sidhe teach us it is often the case in evolutionary journeys as we are experiencing here on Earth, that Divine Complements take different journeys. One stays in celestial realms as a guide and the other delves into the deeper evolutionary experience. This is the case for Sidhe and Human. Now the Sidhe have come to assist in our awakening to our true cosmic nature.
For millennia, the Sidhe and Humanity were able to communicate with one another. The Sidhe brought guidance and inspiration in a more dreamlike form when clear consciousness had not yet evolved. The Sidhe communicated primarily through dreams and visions. With the rise of clear, day waking consiousness and logical reasoning, humanity lost connection to subtle realms and subtle sensing. It became increasingly difficult for Sidhe and Humans to commune with one another.
In David Spangler's book, Conversations with the Sidhe, his contact Mariel describes the gradual split between Human and Sidhe. Many factors contributed to the split, and the Sidhe's withdrawal to their own realm. The Sidhe explain that when human beings are operating from egoistic desires, without the longing to move into the Oneness of pure love and sacred service, they cannot continue to co-create with them. The Sidhe presence in the face of egotism creates grandiosity and they need to pull away.
Before the split, many people became hostile towards the Sidhe, pursuing them and trying to destroy them. Human beings wanted to steal the magic of the Sidhe. Because the Sidhe offer only White Magic through the pure love of Source, they had to withdraw.
In current times, individual human beings are beginning to long for connection to the "higher self," the I AM of Source, and return to Oneness, living in a community of cooperation with Gaia's realms and Celestial allies. The cosmos is pouring energies and frequencies, and new light codes to assist in the awakening of humanity. The Archangel Michael is supporting these efforts on a Global basis, and the Sidhe are supporting this as well.
In the past, the Sidhe were only allotted enough energy for short visits to the 3 dimensional realm. A person may only have a visit or two from a Sidhe. Now, there is much support for Sidhe-Human connection on an ongoing basis. The Sidhe are well supported by Celestial and angelic realms, and this is making the emergence of New Avalon possible for each person as they open to the fullness of the Self, connection to their Sidhe friend, and to all allies in Gaian and Starry realms.
About the Sidhe Images
The images of the Sidhe on this website were created by George William Russell, an artist, writer and poet who lived in Ireland from 1867-1935. He is also known as AE Russell. He had a strong, inner affinity to the Sidhe through his life, and the Sidhe often revealed themselves to him. The pure, unconditional love and energies of the Sidhe stream through these images, and the Sidhe indicate that by contemplating these images, one is drawn closer to the realm of the Sidhe. You can find more of these images through an internet search, "AE Russell Sidhe Images."
Evolutionary Paths of the Sidhe
When you speak about the Sidhe, people have many different impressions of them. Some people experience them as trickster elves. Others encounter them in the forest lands and deserts. They may find these Sidhe on the land to be kind but often shy. These are all accurate depictions of the Sidhe but are not the Global or Star Sidhe that we are serving with here.
The Global Sidhe or Western Sidhe are only slightly incarnated in matter. Michael, our Sidhe friend, jokes about how they are only incarnated "up to our ankles." This is something they perfected over millenia, how to be part of Gaian evolution but stay connected to celestial realms. The Global Sidhe serve with the Archangel Michael on a Global level, with initiatives to help worldwide. The term "Western Sidhe" does not refer to a geographical location in the west but to the Stone Circle quadrants of the Sidhe associatied with the Card Deck of the Sidhe by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg. The 4th quadrant in the west is about "what is emerging" and this is what our Global Sidhe are concerned with.
The regional or land Sidhe incarnated more into matter, and care lovingly for certain smaller regions. They do not have the same connections to the starry realms that the Global Sidhe do.
There are also Sidhe who incarnated closer to the Fairy realms to assist Gaia's children in their evolutionary path. These Sidhe can be fun loving tricksters.
The Global Sidhe or Western Sidhe are only slightly incarnated in matter. Michael, our Sidhe friend, jokes about how they are only incarnated "up to our ankles." This is something they perfected over millenia, how to be part of Gaian evolution but stay connected to celestial realms. The Global Sidhe serve with the Archangel Michael on a Global level, with initiatives to help worldwide. The term "Western Sidhe" does not refer to a geographical location in the west but to the Stone Circle quadrants of the Sidhe associatied with the Card Deck of the Sidhe by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg. The 4th quadrant in the west is about "what is emerging" and this is what our Global Sidhe are concerned with.
The regional or land Sidhe incarnated more into matter, and care lovingly for certain smaller regions. They do not have the same connections to the starry realms that the Global Sidhe do.
There are also Sidhe who incarnated closer to the Fairy realms to assist Gaia's children in their evolutionary path. These Sidhe can be fun loving tricksters.